Axis Technolabs

Plot No. 151, Shukan Mall, Science City Road, Sola

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AxisTechnoLabs commits and delivers the best of Offshore Outsourcing Services. We bring substantial savings and highest quality of offshore software development capabilities. We have achieved this based on extensive experience gathered over years of experience leading to a superior team of brilliant IT professionals, matured processes, seamless communication methodologies, sound project management capabilities and world class infrastructure. "Our clients love us and we strive hard to be loved." We have often been termed by our customers as the "team next floor". The availability and accessibility of our teams ensures full transparency, complete control and comfort of 24x7 accessibility of the team which is much higher than the team they have on their own office floor. We have been able to achieve the recognition of being one of the elite full service IT companies in the Indian software industry. We are one of the leading Offshore Software Development Services providers having a spotless track record of consistently delivering workable, robust offshore software solutions by adopting innovative approaches and remaining committed to quality, processes and outstanding technological prowess. We offer Application Development Services, Application Maintenance Services, Product Development Services, Legacy Application Migration Services, Multimedia Creations, and Search Engine Optimization Services. Our team of 50+ IT professionals at our Offshore Development Centre in India constitutes of some of the best technically competent brains, hand picked and identified from the Indian IT industry.

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Axis Technolabs

Chirag Shah
Plot No. 151, Shukan Mall, Science City Road, Sola
Ahmedabad, 380060
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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