Bonsaai Associates

No. 414, Platinum Plaza, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev

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Bonsaai associates is the product of its people. We are a diverse group, contributing to the architectural design process in a variety of different ways. Its founder, Mr. Arun Sheth, has a passion for designing to improve peoples’ lives, while practicing environmental and economic responsibility. With strengths in both creative and technological skills, Mr. Sheth’s versatility and enthusiasm for design is a great asset to his clients. He has expertise on significant architectural projects including corporate office, industrial & manufacturing, hospitals, academic & educational environments, hospitality, health & wellness, and residential. His exceptional leadership takes even the largest project challenges and makes them understandable and attainable. Bonsaai Associates with Mr. Arun Sheth, has been fortunate for many years to be associated with clients, consultants, and building contractors who share its value and devotion to building projects, and have been rewarded with lasting relationships and future building design endeavors. We invite you to review our portfolio that highlights our design solutions for a wide variety of architectural assignments. Sustainable Design is at the core of our mission; we integrate 'green' strategies into every decision we make. Our team design for energy efficiency, product quality and durability, and minimal environmental impact. We create added value through the life of our building and for future generations. Our vision is to provide our clients with exceptional service, in a timely manner, at a reasonable cost. It is the excellence of work and depth of relationships that allow Bonsaai Associates to provide our clients the level of service they deserve. Contact us for more details.

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Bonsaai Associates

Arun Sheth
No. 414, Platinum Plaza, Judges Bunglow Road, Bodakdev
Ahmedabad, 380054
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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