Cube CAD Center

No. E397, Sobo Center, South, Bopal

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Cube Cad Center is a centre for Advanced Design Technology in training who offers training in high-end Design Technologies. Our area of expertise is training and certification on AutoDesk Products. We are amongst the top facilities across India equipped to train students for design experts. With a highly talented and determined team that defines Cube Cad Center journey with vision and integrity, the dream of combining world class Design technology and quality education is not far from reality. We believe in teaching the technology with high spirit, intensity to win, and act with sensitivity to establish the best breed of technical aspirants. In a short span of less than three years, Cube Cad Center has become the company of choice for several organizations and individuals seeking to augment their area of expertise. We provide continuing education and training specially designed to meet the growing demands of the market. Our expertise workshops provide you with the latest information in the field, giving you the edge you need to succeed in your career. If you are Civil, Mechanical, Architect Engineer, Autodesk Certifications guarantees that you will stay ahead in the race and give you a competitive edge in today's complex market. Autodesk Certification offers premium Certifications that will assist you on the road to success in your design career path, providing benefits to both, you and your employer. Autodesk Certification is a reliable and prominent validation of your design skills and knowledge and this certification can enhance your professional development, improve productivity and credibility in your area of expertise.

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Cube CAD Center

Nimesh Prajapati
No. E397, Sobo Center, South, Bopal
Ahmedabad, 380058
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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