Dr. Samir B. Dalal

No. 8, Shubhlaxmi Complex, Naranpura

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Dr Samir B Dalal we work with a vision to provide the world's best treatment in hair and skin to the patients. We strive to achieve global recognition as a provider of the best treatment and solutions to patients and clients by leveraging our core strengths. Our organization ensures to provide quality services utilizing best equipment, trained manpower and skilled specialists who are proficient in their respective specializations. With the support of our entire unit, we are providing quality services that result in utmost client satisfaction. We are backed by a group of certified specialists who have extensive experience. Every individual of our team are proficient in dealing with patient's problems by making use of technologically enhanced instruments. Established in the year 1890 we are one of the leading service providers of Laser Guided Treatment. The variety of Services offered by us include Skin Treatment, Acne Treatment, Hair Removal, Acne/Scar Removal, Skin Tightening, Wrinkle Treatment, Microdermabrasion, Chemical Filling, Anti Aging, Meso Therapy etc. To give our best we examine the nature of the skin to give out the most appropriate treatment to cure the problem. We make our best to understand the sensitivity of the skin to provide better solution that gives you protective, accurate and younger looking skin. We are one of the most appreciated Laser Guided Skin Care Treatment; our services are known for its effectiveness. Being reliable, our treatments are performed with an aim to gain maximum satisfaction on all marks. We are one of the most reliable service providers of high quality Laser Care Treatment; we aim at delivering maximum satisfaction to clients in terms of counseling and treatment. Our professionals work hard to understand requirements and needs of clients. Our treatments are planned and executed in a flawless manner using high quality products as well as technically sound equipment. We make client-centric efforts to ensure high quality solutions along with clients’ satisfaction. We are a team of highly experienced and skilled personnel. We are best in understanding the unique requirement of skin and take accurate action to cure and prevent them. Our team has earned experience of several years and their experience is shown by their work. We keep on updating the knowledge and skill of our team by organizing training programs and workshops. Each member of the team has technical and industry knowledge and they use them in resourceful manner. We never compromise with the quality.contact for more details.

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Dr. Samir B. Dalal

Dr. Samir B. Dalal
No. 8, Shubhlaxmi Complex, Naranpura
Ahmedabad, 380013
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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