Genieus Academy

5-7 Sanket Complex, Near Mangal Park B.R.T.S Bus Stop, Bhulabhai Park, Kankaria

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Genieus Academy has immense experience in this business. We provide coaching for all boards. Our motto is to provide the best teaching to the students. We have a huge list of impressive success of students. We promise a better future for your children in higher education and knowledge. We make your life better and brighter. Education is a primary ingredient and also a key to success in any profession. With a booming economy and a young population, there is a tremendous need for the quality education to equip this population with skills to handle assignments that spring from such a growing economy like ours. Today the excitement of being computer literate may be seen in the students as well as other peoples also. Establishment of All India Computer Saksharta Mission has been done at various cities and towns. It is running successfully all over the country. Organization has made four head offices and fifty regional offices and is imparting computer-training program at large scale. Many schools have made computer education compulsory from ninth standard and every year thousand of students are enrolling in various Diploma and Degree programs. Therefore, the remaining unaffected by the computers is very difficult. Organization has started a progaram Diploma in Computer Teacher Training also. Our main aim is to provide free of cost computer education at our every New Centre. So getting well trained in the computers has become compulsory for every person of the family but due to the high training fee structure of computer institution, the people related to lower or middle class may not be able to afford it. "All India Computer Saksharta Mission" has been run to provided the high technical computer education at the nominal fee to the person belonging to lower and middle class. In All over India this institution is governed by the R J I T S, AICSM, & RJSS. Contact us for further details.

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Genieus Academy

Bipin Khandavi
5-7 Sanket Complex, Near Mangal Park B.R.T.S Bus Stop, Bhulabhai Park, Kankaria
Ahmedabad, 380022
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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