Shreeji Orthopaedic & ENT Hospital

#F-5Vimurti ComplexAbove Asharfi Kulfi, Gurukul Road

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SHREEJI ORTHOPAEDIC AND ENT HOSPITAL in India is known for  knee & hip  joint replacement surgery (TKR THR), ear, nose, throat operation, septoplasty, mastoid, earache, epistaxis,  tonsils, sinuses & deafness surgery (eardrum infection, perforation). We perform body piercing & cosmetic puncture for fashion jewellery, rings and studs at ear, eyebrow, lip, breast, belly etc. Any fracture, spine, arthroscopy and arthroplasty surgery is available here.  Shreeji Orthopaedic & ENT hospital in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India was started with the aim of providing Quality Healthcare Service in Orthopaedic & ENT surgery. We take special care for patients with mediclaim and provide cashless treatment with TPA tie up. This multi speciality hospital - healthcare centre/nursing home - is located in the centre of Ahmedabad city and easily accessible. We treat the patients with right medication at right time in our nursing home that too with polite and homely attitude. Thus we take a great deal of pride in the tradition and uncompromised nature of the personalised care that is provided to our patients. Orthopaedic Surgery department undertakes - joint replacement, spine surgery, arthroscopy, fracture surgery, paediatric trauma and accident cases, knee arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spine spondylosis / spondylitis, osteoporosis, plaster manipulation, physiotherapy, plastic surgery treatment in Ahmedabad. Portable X-ray & IITV facility available here. ENT surgery Department manages ear, nose, throat diseases, tonsillectomy, sinusitis, allergy, ear discharge, earache, deafness surgery, endoscopy, sinuscopy, vocal cord surgery, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum ( DNS ), nasal bone fracture, foreign body particles in ear nose throat removal, eardrum infection, ear piercing, eyebrow piercing in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Deafness testing, hearing aids facility available here.

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Shreeji Orthopaedic & ENT Hospital

Dr. Hardik Shah
#F-5Vimurti ComplexAbove Asharfi Kulfi, Gurukul Road
Ahmedabad, 380052
[email protected]
+917927479053 +917927499053 +919825060127

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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