Little We Preschool

No. 303, 1st Main, 1st B Cross,, Vijaya Bank Colony Extension, Outer Ring Road, Horamavu

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LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL is a preschool that expands opportunities for life and develops the intellectual mind of the kids. Enrolling your child in our preschool will prepare them for the future. At LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL, our student teacher ratio 12:2 allows for individualized attention, allowing students the freedom to explore and ask questions while engaged in overall development. Children learn through subjects such as English, Math, Science, and knowledge of the world around them, Gardening, Cooking, Storytelling, Art, Dance and Singing. The emphasis is on an individual and small-group exploration of the academic subjects in the English Language. They are exposed to kinder concepts in a fun and engaging environment. Our students are well prepared for the learning that will happen in Kindergarten and beyond. Through our cultural arts program, student creativity is emphasised. Creativity is a major factor in developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills, in addition to developing creative expression and self-confidence. Here is a well-developed system of preschool education at LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL. It includes several stages: Playgroup (1.5-2.5 years), Nursery (2.5-3.5 years), L.K.G. (years 3.5 to 4.5), U.K.G. (years 4.5 to 5.5), Most children at LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL start school at the age of 1.5 years. All students have to complete preschool years of school to get a solid foundation to cope with real school curriculum (i.e. first standard). LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL boasts an excellent system of pre-school facilities. We at LITTLE WE PRESCHOOL are committed to providing good education that caters to the overall development of a child. Our school is shaped by a spirit of community, whereby students, teachers and parents work together to achieve our goals of creating successful, independent learners and global citizens. As you review our website, you will find that our preschool programmes focus on some core practices in both curriculum and assessment. These include: A focus on the learner as an individual.An inquiry-based approach that puts learning in the hands of the student.A school curriculum that connects students to real-world contexts for their learning.A wide range of assessment strategies to ensure that all students are able to successfully demonstrate what they know and can do. We work towards making your children feel like active, inquiring learners and our well-qualified and committed faculty, our teacher-student ratio, teaching resources, and learning environment will help them in pursuit of their individual journey towards excellence. Students are encouraged to explore their various abilities and interests to the fullest extent. Our after school activities programme gives students access to a wide range of extra-curricular activities, drama, music, student leadership roles and community service activities. The real warmth of the school – the atmosphere of friendship combined with endeavour – lies within the students and staff. This can be appreciated best by visiting our school. We look forward to welcoming you. Contact us for further details.

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Little We Preschool

No. 303, 1st Main, 1st B Cross,, Vijaya Bank Colony Extension, Outer Ring Road, Horamavu
Bangalore, 560043
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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