Aathman Awareness Centre

No. 11/6, Mettukalani Street, Adambakkam

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Aathman Awareness Centre (AAC) is a universal spiritual organization founded in 2002 which primarily teaches meditation. AAC was founded by Guruji Sundar, an enlightened master of our age. Though teaching meditation is the main objective of AAC, our mission is also to bring out the true importance of Jeeva Samadhi temples and to become a one stop spiritual portal for seekers throughout the world. Lining with its vision, AAC has so far renovated seven Jeeva Samadhi temples, published spiritual books, conducts Satsang and classes for meditation, the details of which can be found in our website. About Guruji: Guruji Sundar has been in the field of Kundalini Meditation for 30 years. By virtue of his severe sadhana, he realized the self or ‘Aathman’ during 1993. Ever since, he has been guiding disciples towards self-realization, creating new meditation courses to benefit people in all walks of life. His outer appearance is that of a normal householder. Yet, his real stature in the inner world is the highest peak of human consciousness. Head office: Aathman Awareness Centre, 11/6, Mettu Kalani Street, Adambakkam, Chennai 600088 Our specialties: 1. Meditation at your doorstep 2. Personalized grooming of spiritual seekers. 3. Showing the proper way for a seeker step by step from beginning till enlightenment. Basic Meditation courses Basic Kundalini Meditation: In this course, the aspirant will learn and experience the first taste of kundalini. The aspirant is initiated in Ajna chakra and Mooladhara chakra and taught about how to meditate in these chakras. The aspirant is also taught about the intricacies of the two chakras. ACE – Art of communicating with Existence: Although we live in the existence, yet we are not aware of it. What is existence and what is our relationship with it? How to be aware of the existence that surrounds us in all directions? What are the techniques that we can use? How to be aware of existence all the time? For all these questions, you will find answers in ACE (Art of Communicating with Existence), a new technique devised by our Guruji to communicate with existence and be nourished by it at all times. Once you master this technique, you will unravel so many mysteries hidden in this cosmos. Special courses Intensified Kundalini Meditation: This is a comprehensive meditation program in which all the 9 centers are initiated and the aspirant is taught to meditate in these 9 centers. This will be followed by personal grooming of the aspirant to increase the inner fire of Kundalini. In this course, the aspirant not only gets the taste of Kundalini, but also reaps its real fruits. ATS – At The Source meditation: This is a course for seekers who are practicing any form of meditation. In this course, the seeker will be guided from body and mind to his/her being. In this course, the seeker will start to sight his/her being in normal life. This is a starting point for Awareness About Aathman (A3). A3 – Awareness About Aathman: A master is a rare flowering. But a master of master is a rare being who helps others to blossom as well. Our Guruji felt that all his other comrades and seekers need not take the arduous path which he had taken. He has gracefully and compassionately decided to open all the doors of enlightenment. He has decided to take the cream of his 30 years of experience and provide it to humanity at large. This became the advent of A3 (A CUBE - Awareness About Aathman). In fact this is a knowing where our Master imparts the first enlightenment glimpse or experience to craving seekers of truth.

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Aathman Awareness Centre

No. 11/6, Mettukalani Street, Adambakkam
Chennai, 600088
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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