Bluefin Infotech

No: 11, Ilango Street, Thanthai Periyar Nagar,, kaiveli, Velachery

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About Us Bluefin Infotech operating in and around TamilNadu has its headquarters in Chennai. The concern was started mainly as a software development and web designing company creating utility software, management software, primary games and websites. Bluefin’s technical and its leadership in consumer markets and corporate markets make them a redoubtable competitor in this information age. Mission: Bluefin is an industry leader in the area of information technology. The team has strived to make its clients dream come true. We are a team of highly motivate manages and staffs dedicated to provide the best products and services available in the industries. Our strength is getting high through our commitment towards our clients,our industry, our employees and ourselves. Vision: To provide extraordinary customer satisfaction Hassle free, Multi-Market project management expertise to customers. Adding value at proposal, Planning, execution and delivery at the right time. Advance tool and technology for better results. Superior quality, transparency, responsiveness and accountability to both customer and employees. Company profile: Bluefin InfoTech, a software firm, is ingenious enough to explore and find the best means to accomplish the Clint needs at most satisfaction. We are passionate with Software Development, Web site development, Android mobile application development, Linux device driver, Linux internal programming training and coding, CCTV security surveillance system implementation, Network Design and implementation, AMC in desktop and Network support, Red hat and windows server implementation, self-motivation programs, corporate Training in core network technologies. As a small company, we are flexible and working partnership with our client to build a long lasting relationship. The concern also provides technological training and career development training to the students. The concern has appointed a separate team of employees with effective Marketing Team, provided with active customer support. Winning solution requires the domain expertise of technology professionals from various disciplines. The core team comprises of Technical, Marketing, Designing as well as advisory council. We also hold a team of highly qualified practice implementation team for our service Clients, business analyst helping other business firms providing business strategies, Ideas and plans.  

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Bluefin Infotech

No: 11, Ilango Street, Thanthai Periyar Nagar,, kaiveli, Velachery
Chennai, 600042
[email protected]
+917871227244 +917871227245

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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