Bushraa Technologies

New No. 9, Old No. 69, 5th Street, Om Shakti Nagar, Nesapakkam, K.K. Nagar

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Bushraa Technologies was established as an I.T. Solutions Provider. BUSHRAA Technologies was established as an I.T. Solutions Provider. Our office is located in the heart of dynamic Chennai, India. BUSHRAA is managed by Professionals who have sturdy experiences in various industries and business segments. Ideally, this enables us to cater to clients with our invaluable knowledge of their trades. We identify their obstacles and build unyielding bridges for them to pass through. Our Mission, needless to mention, India has a reservoir of IT personnel who are equipped with the best of knowledge in this sector. Likewise, our organization only engages in the pick of the crop. Therefore, we have an implausible team of IT programmers and consultants. This enables us to ride on the challenges faced and stay aggressively competent. At BUSHRAA Technologies innovation is a way of life and human intellect is primarily directed at achieving the goal through the use of latest technology. Our aim is to keep abreast with the latest technology to delve into all aspects of corporate information technology ranging from software development to web hosting, website designing to name a few. After successful deployments we have the confidence to ensure our customers of the fact that we're capable of completing projects within stipulated time frames, with a focus on quality throughout. Contact us for your needs.

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Bushraa Technologies

Noor Mohammed
New No. 9, Old No. 69, 5th Street, Om Shakti Nagar, Nesapakkam, K.K. Nagar
Chennai, 600078
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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