Classic Protection Force Pvt. Ltd.

No, 134, Kamarajar Street, Valasaravakkam

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 Classic Protection Force Pvt Ltd was established in 1995 at Bangalore by our founder Mr. Bhaskaran Nair. It was then named as "Classic Investigation and Security Services". The company was incorporated in 2011 and was renamed as "Classic Protection Force Pvt Ltd". In a short span, the company has grown exponentially to become a leading Risk Management & Loss Prevention Company. The company prides itself in having a guarding strength of over 2500 trained human assets performing in over 30 reputed establishments in South India. The company is managed by a team of professionals from defence, paramilitary and civil who are specially qualified in security field. Classic Protection Force differentiates itself from other security agencies in that Classic designs and implements security management systems after conducting comprehensive security survey of the site. It ensures prompt responses and pro-active relationship. Complete computerization, refined methodologies, standard processes and systems and the qualified human resources are the pillars of our quality services. The human resources of the company mainly comprise of ex-army Officers, JCO's, NCO's and Jawans. Every individual is rigorously trained at our own Training Academy as prescribed under PSAR Act 2005. Apart from physical training and security skills, every individual undergoes orientation in organization structure, industrial relations and allied subjects. They are also made to imbibe the qualities of cleanliness, good turn out, discipline and good etiquettes. The company excels in rendering efficient & customized security services to the Industries. We are proud of maintaining 94% client retention and 96% employee retention. Our Quality Management Systems are ISO 9001:2000 compliant.

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Classic Protection Force Pvt. Ltd.

Gowri Shankar
No, 134, Kamarajar Street, Valasaravakkam
Chennai, 600087
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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