IIS Technologies

No. 40, F-5, ACGPBI, 1st Floor, C-Block, HIET Campus, St. Thomas Mount

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IIS Technologies is an industry in high quality PCB Design and turnkey electronic engineering offering the very best service at competitive prices. We are considered as one of the top PCB design and turnkey electronic engineering service companies. Our specialties include RF circuit and PCB design, digital circuit design including DSP, and FPGA as well as low level analog design. We offer competitive rates, quick turn around times and a personal commitment to meet your design needs. R&D Services providing a broad spectrum of services such as Technology Research, New Product Development, Product Sustenance, and Manufacturing to a number of industry verticals such as Metering, Automotive, Telecom Networks, Industrial Systems, Consumer Electronics, Security and Surveillance. IIS has a large team of design engineers, systems engineering experts and support engineers, who help provide customers with a comprehensive package of end-to-end services ranging from front-end consulting and planning to developing, integrating and managing turnkey technology solutions. The design of chips and systems with such complexity – while meeting demands for performance, low power, and time to market – is possible only with advanced electronic design automation (EDA) tools. EDA software and hardware enables everything from the design of individual transistors to the development of software before any hardware is built. Another crucial enabling factor is semiconductor intellectual property (IP), which provides pre-verified building blocks for memory controllers, interface protocols, or specialized processors that are integrated into SoCs. We were founded on honesty and integrity, but have grown due to a desire to build strong client relationships, always providing a personal touch, a defined presence by not only our staff but ongoing clients who have used us over the past decade.Contact us for more details.

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IIS Technologies

Vinoth Kumar G.
No. 40, F-5, ACGPBI, 1st Floor, C-Block, HIET Campus, St. Thomas Mount
Chennai, 600016
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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