ILS Institute For Language & Skill

No. 224, NSC Bose Road, Parrys

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ILS is engaged in various Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Training Programs since 1995. ILS is a premier Skill Training company based out of Chennai, India, with a network of partners across select districts in South India. ILS offers training in English language skills, Life skills and various vocational skills viz. Cell Phone Servicing skills, Laptop Servicing skills, Skills for Beauty Therapy, Designing skills using Computers, Programming skills, Computer servicing skills, Solar Installation Training, CCTV Installation Training . Apart from offering regular courses at its venue to students, Jobseekers, employees, abroad goers and housewives, ILS also organizes customized training programs to corporate organizations that need it for specific reasons. ILS has completed 19 years of successful operation and has consolidated its services and offerings. ILS is an empanelled Vocational Training Provider (VTP) with DGET in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, for providing Technical and Vocational Training Education (TVTE).ILS is associated with various International and National Corporate giants to provide Vocational Skill & employment training programs to the Learners’ community. ILS’ commitment to vocational training is well recognized and rewarded with Up skilling training programs for the employees of leading enterprises & Corporate Organizations.With its commitment to training, ILS has an envious track record of placing 95% of students either as entrepreneurs or as professionals joining various Organizations.Vision"Endeavor towards producing capable individuals - who can meet their triangular needs - Academic, Professional and Social."Mission"To feed the individuals with the skills needed to be suitable for the industry and social life...”To identify, create employment/entrepreneurship opportunities and help the individuals to reach itObjectiveTo feed required skills to the individual to improve his capabilities to be more suitable for employment/entrepreneurship and personal life and to identify employment opportunities and help the individual to reach it.Contact us for your learning needs.

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ILS Institute For Language & Skill

No. 224, NSC Bose Road, Parrys
Chennai, 600104
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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