Neoclassics Homoeopathy

#15Link Road, Shenoy Nagar

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Neoclassic Homoeopathy by now has proved the potential of Homoeopathy among people by treating number of chronic and incurable diseases. NCH continue to prove its excellence by giving Quality health care system and services thus drawing a large section of people opting for genuine Homoeopathic treatment day by day.At each and every facet of Homoeopathic treatment from the preliminary stage of case taking to patient management, supervision and the curative aspect and follow-ups for all our patients, we pursue strictly the basic principles lay down by our founder Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. We have our panel of excellent doctors who have worked and trained under the most veteran and experienced hands for over 6-7 yrs. We humbly request you and your family and friends make the most benefit.We have state of art facility with Neoclassic Network Consultation System (NNCS) for the first time in south India just similar to tele-medicine. More than one doctor will be consulting and discussing for a particular case in order to give them the most scientific explanation and treatment. Patients from different parts of the world can choose their expert doctor and interact with them confidentially during case taking and treatment aspects. But for some serious cases, if necessary other than the consulting physician the concerned case may be referred for suggestion and advices by sending to expert panel over other centers to discuss at same time by means of Network consulting system. This will provide rapid and accurate remedial management and care with utmost logical decision taken at once with more creditability. This is done as a part of referral method for the convenience of the patient who simply wastes time in searching for one or more opinion regarding his/her case. All this is done from one center during his/her consultation.  So naturally the patient saves time and treatment can be started at the earliest.

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Neoclassics Homoeopathy

Sundara Alagappan
#15Link Road, Shenoy Nagar
Chennai, 600030
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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