Pyroferus Technologies

2nd Floor, No. 12/304, No. 52nd Street, 7th Avenue, Sona Complex, Ashok Nagar

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Pyroferus Technologies concentrates on the following Third party testing in order to give the clients the quality product. Software Testing Training in order to produce world class testers to ensure quality product.(Offering Direct and Online training) Corporate training in Testing in order to produce world class testers to ensure quality product Soft skills training in order to produce quality personnel who can work independently and interdependently for quality production Vision . To empower the youth with employable skills that help them to grow From dependence to independence and from independence to interdependence, From passive to active and from active to proactive From underdeveloped to developing and from developing to developed Mission . This vision is achieved through the mission called the effective training that includes three processes namely, Informing Forming Transforming .Thereby, touching quality (our motto) personally and professionally becomes realizable. Touching quality is our motto. That means reaching quality in all that we do Quality is the instinctive expectation of everyone. Lives of people are touched by touching quality. Quality in work leads to Quality in lives. We shall achieve a great Quantity of Quality Achievements More than 3000 trainees have been empowered through our training Online training programs have been offered successfully to trainees in various countries like Japan, USA, Canada, Finland and India Training programs were conducted in corporate offices like HCL, TESCO, and Bit Cube MoU with Srisairam Engineering College, Chennai has been signed on 14 March, 2011 Seminars on Personality Development were offered successfully. Contact us for further details. Current ly we are taking online training whereas parts of the world namely USA, UK, Canada, Dubai, Sweden & Other Countries.  

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Pyroferus Technologies

2nd Floor, No. 12/304, No. 52nd Street, 7th Avenue, Sona Complex, Ashok Nagar
Chennai, 600083
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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