Akanksha Caterers

No. 5, Brahmnabusti, Warasiguda

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Catering, a delicious fine art with a reach that has no boundaries captivated and egged us to start 'Akanksha Caterers'. With a rich expertise background allied with the ability to tame many a gourmand, we felt inspired to reach out to more people of diverse tastes and showcase our culinary skills. Cooking culinary dishes of top quality is no mean task, it requires deftness, sharp presence of mind, an innate urge to try out new recipes & most importantly adhering to time schedule. We precisely stuck to these principles and earned lots of appreciation from the vast expanse of culinary addicts. We just cook any kind of dish that has a vibrant market in the city: South Indian South Indian Chinese Tandoori Mughlai Chat We cater to Taste in Right attitude & to satisfy your appetite remains our AKANKSHA. It motivates us to get better and add that extra spice to the dish offering. We feel proud to reveal that we are the official contractor for Sri Sathya Sai Nigamagamam. We remain in a position to execute any kind of function orders, be it marriages, seminars, get-togethers, receptions and also undertake industrial catering & hospitality services. Just a call to us with your preferences & we race ahead to make & sent the dish of your choice with pinpoint accuracy at the scheduled time. Further more, we offer added services of Flower decoration, Photographers, band Videographers, Purohits, Music Parties, Carving & other such ilk linked with event celebrations. Dishes has a way to sway many a belly and when cooked with a special delectable flavor, it turns one's head to send a nod of approval. We have done that, tamed many a belly for we believe that to reach you is possible only through your belly. Towards this, we place 'Delicious Food with hi-fi service at your doorstep' and elicit a rapid fire response from you now and always.

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Akanksha Caterers

A. Venu Madhav
No. 5, Brahmnabusti, Warasiguda
Hyderabad, 500361
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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