Gurushikhar Professional Studies Pvt. Ltd.

No. A18, Tonk Road, Lal Kothi

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We are pleased to introduce our self as premier institute providing basic and professional education in commerce since 1999. Gurushikhar Institute has been enriched with highly experienced, professionally qualified mentors. We are behind the success story of thousands of youth. We are looking forward to help in shaping your career also. With the rapid growth in economy, careers in finance and accounts have gained tremendous popularity and the most prestigious career option in this field is that of Chartered Accountant. Chartered Accountancy is a dynamic, challenging and rewarding profession. All the countries have their own Accountancy Association which regulates the quality and quantity of the professionals in this field. Chartered Accountancy Course is a professional course in Accounting introduced in our country in 1949, with the enactment of the Chartered Accountants Act. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) was formed the same year. This Institute is both an examining and a licensing body. It is the responsibility of the institute to conduct the Chartered accountancy (CA) Course. The course involves a blend of theoretical education and practical training which run concurrently for a period of three years and equips a student with knowledge, ability, skills and other qualities required of a professional accountant. Gurushikhar stands to reach you on the greater height in this stream. We give brilliant performances since many years and promise to maintain the same.

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Gurushikhar Professional Studies Pvt. Ltd.

Arun Jain
No. A18, Tonk Road, Lal Kothi
Jaipur, 302015
+914087721 +919414041532

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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