Dr. Sumita Saha Paul

No. 730, Anandapur Fortis Hospital, Kasba

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 Dr Sumita Saha has worked in the field of Paediatrics, Neonatology and Paediatric intensive care in India and the UK for last 11 years, 8 years of that being in the UK. Visiting Consultant at Woodland Nursing Home. Add Designation : MBBS (Gold Medalist), DCH (UK), MRCPCH (UK)Life Member of IAP & NNF Consultant Neonatologist and Paediatrician She was an Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) provider in Europe, a Neonatal Life Support (NLS) provider and a Basic Life Support (BLS) provider in the UK. She independently managed many extremely premature babies of 23 weeks gestation and onwards weighing even less than 500 gms in the UK. In Kolkata, many premature babies having birth weight of 700-800 gms, needing extensive intensive care support, have survived under her care. In Kolkata, many premature babies having birth weight of 700-800 gms, needing extensive intensive care support, have survived under her care. She is competent in doing, interpreting and prognosticating neonatal cranial ultrasounds or scan of brain . She is skilled to perform Echocardiography in Neonates to both identify common congenital heart lesions or birth defect of heart. She has worked and trained in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Middlesborough, UK and Kolkata. She has successfully managed many critical Paediatric patients including children with 70% burn, severe sepsis, complicated road traffic accidents etc. She has managed children with severe head injury with brain pressure monitoring which is only done in very advance center in UK or USA. She has been actively involved in TOBY, a multi-centre, prospective, randomised study of term infants after peri-natal asphyxia. She is competent to provide intensive neuro-protection strategies including active cooling, use of CFAM etc.

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Dr. Sumita Saha Paul

Dr. Sumita Saha Paul
No. 730, Anandapur Fortis Hospital, Kasba
Kolkata, 700042
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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