Maple Placement

H - 308, Titanium City Center, Anand Nagar Road, Satellite

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 After so many years of its establishment Maple Placement still treats its every new client with the yen to retain him or her as a permanent client and will is always directed towards delighting the client. With the pioneering spirit, we keep on inventing our services be it pertaining to staffing, HR, placement, or payroll management. Maple Placement is Ahmedabad, Gujarat based professionally managed company and has always ardently answered the call of various changing trends in the industry. We offer our services in pan India and work incessantly towards providing varied options to the clients that best suit their requirements. Our services are timely, cost effective and very quality oriented.  Maple Placement had a modest start like every new organization and today the company is thriving with an accelerated impetus. We have so far aided job seekers in their quest for ideal jobs and have also helped companies in reinventing their businesses. We like our profession because it makes us feel big and makes us realize we are bringing good to something that is indispensible for the economy. Maple Placement hosts a diligent team of HR professionals and recruitment specialists who are well-versed with both classic and latter day practices. We have never taken any client of ours for granted and every client is important and larger than life to us. Our regard for our clients stems from our profound respect for our every fellow human being irrespective of his or her social status. We have aided the nihilist types of jobseekers too and also attended to the needs of the most upscale companies. All our services; placement HR, staffing and payroll management are reasonably charged.

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Maple Placement

Manish Ruparel
H - 308, Titanium City Center, Anand Nagar Road, Satellite
Ahmedabad, 380015
[email protected]

Opening Hours

08:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
12:00am - 11:00pm
08:00am - 11:00pm
03:00pm - 02:00am
03:00pm - 02:00am

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